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物流公司招聘操作员 Logistics/Shipping Operator
Awesung Inc.物流集团是集跨境电商配套服务,国际仓储物流,亚马逊FBA,一件代发为一体的大型综合仓储公司。在全美国的洛杉矶、萨凡纳、达拉斯、新泽西等六个州设有六个大型仓库中心,全美仓库总面积超过一百五十万平方英尺。现根据公司业务发展需要,招聘物流操作员 Logistics/Shipping Operator,地点Fontana, CA。

1. 处理预报相关工作: 负责处理与货物预报相关的各项工作,确保准确性和及时性。
2. LTL/FTL约车: 负责进行部分货物的LTL(Less Than Truckload)和FTL(Full Truckload)的约车工作,协调物流运输安排。
3. 状态追踪: 针对已约车货物进行状态追踪,确保货物的安全、准时到达目的地,并及时沟通任何潜在的问题。
4. POD回传: 负责回传POD(Proof of Delivery)。
5. 与业务沟通并联络客户安排订舱及运输等工作;相关表格、文件、数据的处理及操作安排。
6. 客户咨询、投诉、纠纷等情况的协调解决;。
7. 完成上级交办的其他相关工作。

1. 熟练使用Microsoft office系列办公软件。
2. 优秀的中英文沟通和书面表达能力。
3. 需至少有半年卡车约车、FBA派送,或港口提柜经验。
4. 细心、有责任心,能够在高压环境下有效工作。
5. 本科学历及以上,物流管理或相关领域优先考虑。
6. 能接受仓库轮岗工作。
7. 完成部门经理分配的其他工作内容。

Fontana, CA office

Job Duties:
1. Handle forecast-related work: Handling cargo forecast to ensure accuracy and timeliness.
2. LTL/FTL Truck scheduling: Responsible for truck scheduling for LTL (Less Than Truckload) and FTL (Full Truckload), and coordinate logistics and transportation arrangements.
3. Status tracking: Track the status of the cargo that have been booked to ensure the safety of the cargo, arrive at the destination on time, and communicate any potential problems in a timely manner.
4. POD report: Responsible for reporting POD (Proof of Delivery).
5. Communicate with the business and coordinate with clients to arrange bookings and transportation; handle and organize relevant forms, documents, and data.
6. Coordinate and resolve customer inquiries, complaints, and disputes.
7. Complete other related tasks assigned by superiors.

Job requirements:

1. Proficient in using Microsoft office series
2. Excellent communication and written skills in Mandarin and English.
3. Must have at least six months of experience in truck booking, FBA delivery, or port container pickup.
4. Careful and responsible, able to work efficiently in a high-pressure environment.
5. Bachelor degree or above, applicants with experience in logistics management or related fields will be given priority.
6. Able to accept job rotation in warehouse.
7. Complete other work assigned by the manager.

Work location: Fontana, CA office
电话:(909) 912-9663


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